Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Dead Horse

I hate to ask, again, and continue to beat this dead horse, but does anyone care about the culture which allows such tragedy to occur? I mean, I've got to think that there is maybe a few people who are capable of seeing that the solution to violence just might be the denunciation of violence on a widespread political, social and influencial scale. I've got to think that there are people who believe that, though our country was wrought through war, held together by war, and is seeking to gain resources through war, war is not the answer. Maybe violence isn't the answer to the problem. Maybe the problem is solved by making the culture in which we live more simplistic, more generous, more willing to serve, less selfish, less time-oriented, less goal-oriented, less individualistic, and more peaceful.

Oh, sure, make the argument that our constitution's second amendment allows our citizens the right to bear arms. I'm pretty sure that we're all completely ecstatic that of the 200,000,000 guns purchased legally in the United States, a very low percentage of them have ever been used for "cold-blooded murder." Hey, neat! Only a few people have died at the firing of a gun, that's wonderful!

Maybe we should be concerned about, say, any deaths brought on by violence.
When is enough finally enough?

1 comment:

The maiden said...

I like this new blog start a lot, quaker j. (I actually liked the old one, too.) Look forward to following it. I'm linking.